
Nature reserve Borgharen
Strolling over the bottom of the river! This is possible at Borgharen when the river Meuse is low. You can then even cross over to Belgium. If there is more water running through the river Meuse, you look higher up. That’s where the walking trails are: well-worn routes of grazers and walkers. If the river Meuse rises even further, it will become swampy. But with good footwear and via the stepping stones that have been laid out here, most of the paths remain passable.
The Borgharen nature reserve was created after four years of excavation work as part of the Grensmaas project. This is the largest river project in the Netherlands. Gravel extraction, river widening and nature development go hand in hand. After the gravel extraction, the area was returned to nature. This means that nature is given every opportunity here and that humans intervene as little as possible here.
Staatsbosbeheer and ARK Natuurontwikkeling manage the area and use large grazers for grazing. This results in a varied landscape where countless species find their home. So you are short of eyes and ears here! Because special bird species such as the skylark or the little plover also feel at home here. During the bird migration, ospreys, cranes and storks pass by… with a bit of luck you can spot them during the stopover at Borgharen.
Bunder- en Elsloërbos
The Bunderbos is a ribbon-shaped forest that lies on the eastern terraced belt of the river Meuse valley between Elsloo and Bunde in South Limburg. The Bunderbos is very rich in sources and streams. Locally there are differences in height of 80 meters. Together with the adjacent forest area, the Bunderbos forms a Natura 2000 protected area.
The vegetation is particularly rich and the number of special amphibians is high.